Various hand instruments

Here you will find all information about the discontinued variants of the Various hand instruments series


Item number 12480000


Item number 12481000


Item number 12490000
  • Catalogue

    PDF (29.53MB)
  • Manual / User guide

    Manual / User guide

    Manual / User guide

    Manual / User guide

    Manual / User guide

    Manual / User guide

    Manual / User guide

    Model casting technique | Manual | DE
    Model casting technique | Manual | EN
    Model casting technique | Manual | ES
    Model casting technique | Manual | IT
    Model casting technique | Manual | FR
    Model casting technique| Manual | RU
    PDF (3.11MB)
    PDF (3.1MB)
    PDF (4.49MB)
    PDF (3.1MB)
    PDF (3.13MB)
    PDF (3.13MB)
    PDF (3.12MB)

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